Causes of Foot Cramping
People who don't properly warm up before physical activity or who overdo it when they start a new exercise program are susceptible to foot cramps. Athletes who overwork their muscles while training or competing can also experience them.
A diet that is poor in potassium can cause foot cramps. Your body needs the nutrient to keep its chemistry regulated and to maintain a normal balance of salt in your bloodstream. Adding bananas, which are rich in potassium, to your diet can help easing cramping.
Medications can be the culprit behind this ailment. Among them are diuretics, which are designed to shed excess water, but if dehydration results, it can induce cramping. Taking lithium, which is prescribed for severe depression, and salbutamol, a drug used for asthma relief, are other drugs that pose this side effect.
Poor Circulation
When your feet's muscles aren't receiving enough oxygen, they signal the deficiency by cramping. People who are inactive can be prone to them since they aren't doing enough physical activity to get their blood pumping. Medical conditions such as diabetes, which can compromise circulation, can also bring them on.
Foot cramps can occur if your shoes don't fit properly. Shoes that are too constricting or that have been laced too tightly put your feet at risk. The longer you wear ill-fitting shoes, the more prone you can become to cramps.
Bad Habits
Falling into bad habits like a lifestyle that isn't very active, along with an unhealthy diet, smoking and alcohol consumption, are all factors in cramping. The last two practices both contribute to dehydration, and smoking is especially toxic because it inhibits circulation.
Pinched Nerve
When a nerve is pinched in your foot, it prevents your brain from sending electrical impulses to the muscles in the extremity. Some causes of pinched nerves are injuries, pregnancies and a constricted nerve. An example of a pinched nerve is the feeling of "pins and needles" you get in your hands or feet when they "fall asleep."