Reasons for Bad Breath
Dry Mouth
Certain medications can contribute to dry mouth. When the mouth lacks saliva, it is common to have bad breath. Bacteria responsible for bad breath can be eliminated by saliva. The medications that can contribute to dry mouth include any antihistamine, blood pressure medications, antidepressants and cold medications.
Certain foods cause bad breath. Foods that have a lot of acid, such as onions, garlic, spicy foods and coffee, are culprits. Also, foods that are dairy based or have high sugar content can also cause bad breath. When foods are not rinsed properly from the mouth, bad breath can be a result.
Cavities & Plaque
Bad breath can be the result of plaque, cavities or gum disease. Bad breath often stems from food decaying in between the teeth or in cavities, which leaves behind an odor. Unclean mouths from people that do not brush their teeth or might not brush them correctly will also cause bad breath.
Cigarettes & Alcohol
People that smoke cigarettes and those who drink alcohol will often have bad breath because both actions cause a decrease in saliva.
Medical Problems
Bad breath can be caused from certain medical problems. Infections in the lungs, nose, bronchitis, sinusitis and postnasal drip all cause bad breath. There are other health disorders of the liver, kidneys and diabetes that can be the reason for bad breath.