How to Ease Kidney Stones
Drink 12 cups of water over the course of a day. This is absolutely essential in helping to pass the kidney stone through the urine and it will actually help to break down larger kidney stones that would usually be too large to pass.
Apply a heat pack to the area to relax the muscles and ease the pain associated with the kidney stone. You may also have a friend or family member massage the area gently to help the muscles in the area relax.
Drink apple cider vinegar. It contains a fiber called pectin that clings to toxins and chemicals in the body and bloodstream and actually flushes them out of the body through the urine.
See a doctor. He may prescribe an antispasmodic, painkiller or muscle relaxant. These can also be purchased over the counter at a drugstore in smaller doses, and a friend or family member may help to pick you up a medication.
Avoid caffeine and acidic foods. Add fresh parsley to your meals as parsley is a strong cleanser for the kidneys.
Make sure you get plenty of bed rest. A kidney stone may make you feel nauseous and dizzy, making bed rest necessary.