What Are the Causes of Testicle Pain?
Minor trauma
Direct trauma to the scrotum or testicles can cause severe but temporary pain. This may cause a bruise, but in most instances the pain is relieved in minutes. This sort of pain is especially common in athletes.
Severe trauma
At times the trauma may be more serious and cause a clot or collection of blood in the testicles which may lead to the rupture of the testicles. This condition is called a hematocele and may require surgery.
Testicular torsion
A medical condition and form of emergency causing testicular pain is called testicular torsion. The testicle inside the scrotum twists, causing the blood supply to the testicles to be interrupted and at times stopped completely. This if not relieved immediately through surgical intervention this may cause the testicle to 'wither' and die. This occurs in newborns and boys between the age of 12-18. A cause of the condition in men is the incorrect attachment of the wall of the scrotum and the epididymis.
Testicle infection
At times the testicle can get infected and cause pain. This condition is called Epididymitis and common in men 18 years of age and older. Gonorrhea or chlamydia, two sexually transmitted diseases, may also cause this condition. In older men enlargement of the prostate gland is a common cause of testicular infection.
Kidney stone
While not very common, another cause of pain in the testicles is due to kidney stones. The pain caused due to the kidney stone radiates through nerves to the testicles and causes a "false pain" in that region.
Torsion of a testicular appendage
Boys between the ages of 3 to 14 have been known to suffer from testicle pain due to torsion of a testicular appendage. This is a part of the testicle with no function, but when it loses blood flow due to the blood vessels twisting there may be some form of pain in the region between the testicle and the epididymis.
Inguinal hernia
An inguinal hernia is caused due to parts of the intestine entering the scrotum. Though not very common, the defect in the abdominal wall may cause the testicles to swell and become painful. Again, surgical intervention is necessary.