Bladder Infection Symptoms in Men
For most men, a bladder infection means pain. And not just any pain, but generally, an intense burning or stinging pain. Typically, this pain will only present itself at times of urination, but it will come on suddenly and unexpectedly, as this will be the first symptom that a man will generally feel.
Change in Urination
Another fairly common symptom of a bladder infection in men will involve a change in urination. Depending on the severity of the bacterial infection, some men will feel as if they must urinate far more often than normal. Others will actually produce an unusually large amount of urine. Since the body will attempt to heal itself, the bladder will try to eliminate all the bacteria from its system. The most effective way it knows how, is through urination, hence the increase in frequency and amount.
Change in Urine
When the bladder suffers a bacterial infection, the urine itself can also experience a marked change. For some men, they will begin to produce a cloudier or denser urine. For others, they will notice actual blood in the urine. It's also possible that no visual change will take place to the urine, but the aroma can become much stronger or more pungent.
There is also the possibility that the bladder infection can result in an elevated body temperature in a man. This will usually be a low-grade fever, according to the Mayo Clinic, which is right around 101 degrees F.
As soon as a man experiences one or more of the symptoms of a bladder infection, it is best to immediately treat the condition. This is partly due to the fact that infections themselves are easier to treat when caught early, but the other part is the symptoms that a man is displaying in relation to a bladder infection could be a sign of a more serious condition, like an enlarged prostate or a narrowing of the urethra.