How to Cope With Caffeine Withdrawal
Herbal teas
Things You'll Need
- If you've planning to stop consuming drinks containing caffeine, you might be surprised at the difficulty. Deciding to stop drinking coffee or soda may seem like a good idea, but it can cause troublesome physical complaints. Quitting cold turkey may lead to such symptoms as irritability, sleeplessness, anxiety, fatigue, nervousness, irregular heartbeat, stomach cramps, nausea and headaches. Rather than risk developing any of those symptoms, a gradual withdrawal from caffeine products is a better approach and will lead to fewer withdrawal symptoms.
Cut back on caffeine consumption by drinking one less cup of coffee or caffeinated soda. When you can do this without experiencing any withdrawal symptoms, try removing another cup.
Use drinks containing caffeine in the morning once you've mastered drinking only one caffeinated beverage during the day. You'll still have enough caffeine to get you going in the morning, but then can drink non-caffeinated beverages or water during the rest of the day.
Cut back your morning caffeine fix gradually. After you're able to successfully get through the day on your morning cup of coffee or cola, try pouring yourself a half cup for the next several days. Gradually reduce the amount of caffeinated beverages that you drink in the morning until you are finally able to stop using caffeine entirely.
Let your tea steep for half the usual time during the withdrawal process in order to cut down on the amount of caffeine. Eventually replace caffeinated tea with decaffeinated tea or herbal tea.
Examine your favorite chocolate candy. Chocolate contains caffeine, with the amount varying from product to product. If you want to completely eliminate caffeine from your diet, check ingredient lists to be completely safe.
Get plenty of rest while going through the withdrawal process. Getting a good night's sleep will make the symptoms of withdrawal easier to handle.
Exercise daily to combat feelings of fatigue and to work off nervous energy during withdrawal. You don't need an elaborate exercise routine -- a walk during your lunch hour or a swim after work will help you relax and stay healthy.