The Causes of Cleptomania
There may be some genetic factors that are linked to the development of cleptomania, particularly among first-degree family. For instance, if a person's father or sibling has cleptomania, that individual has a higher chance of having the mental disorder as well.
Other Mental Health Disorders
People who suffer from mental health disorders are much more likely to suffer from cleptomania. Cleptomania oftentimes exists alongside other mental conditions, such as bulimia, anorexia nervosa, panics attacks, obsessive-compulsive disorder, substance abuse and depression (in cases of depression, it is thought that stealing things may help to soothe symptoms of depression).
Females have a stronger likelihood of having cleptomania compared to males. This might perhaps be linked to the fact that many people suffering from cleptomania also have eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexia nervosa, which are suffered by, predominantly, females.
The onset of cleptomania can be as early as 5 years old in some people. However, the average age of cleptomania sufferers is approximately 35 and the problem generally lasts approximately 16 years. Since some people have symptoms of cleptomania as early as 5, it is suggested that it might be caused by low levels of a chemical in the brain known as serotonin. Serotonin can be affected by massive losses, such as deaths or divorces in the family, which can lead to cleptomania at a young age.
Chronic Condition
People who might not have had cleptomania earlier in their life but for some reason or another engaged in thefts over a period of years (whether it is the teenage years or some other time) have a higher chance of developing cleptomania. It can become a chronic disorder over the course of a time.