What Are the Symptoms of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome?
Menstrual Disturbance
When a woman suffers from polycystic ovary syndrome, she will commonly experience a change in her menstrual cycle. This particular symptom can manifest as a sporadic or fluctuating menstruation, either being fewer and farther between or longer and closer together, as well as a total cessation in her periods. It all depends on how a woman's body reacts to the cysts and change in hormones.
Hair Growth
For some women with polycystic ovary syndrome, they can begin to suffer from an excess growth of hair. This is largely due to the influx of "male" hormones. As the ratio of male to female hormones change, a woman may, according to the Mayo Clinic, start to grow hair in areas of the body where it has never grown before, like face, chest and back. She could also notice a change in the thickness and coarseness of other hair on her body, namely the arms and legs.
With polycystic ovary syndrome, there is also the potential for a woman to experience an abnormal gain in weight. For about half of the women with this condition, they will suffer a weight gain to the point of obesity. However, not all women will face this symptom. Much like a change in menstruation, it really depends on how a woman's body reacts to the formation of the cysts.
Sometimes, a woman with polycystic ovary syndrome may begin to notice a recession of the hairline or a balding of the scalp. With the marked change in male to female hormones, it is completely possible for a woman to suffer from "male-pattern baldness," according to the Mayo Clinic. But, like all other symptoms of the condition, the imbalance doesn't always impact a woman in this way.
Since polycystic ovary syndrome impacts a woman's reproductive system, many women with this condition suffer from infertility. When the cysts begin to form, it is possible for the ovaries to produce eggs less often and, sometimes, to stop producing eggs altogether. If this were to happen, a woman would experience a heightened difficulty getting pregnant.
Other Medical Conditions
It is also likely that polycystic ovary syndrome will prompt the development of another medical condition entirely. For women with PCOS, they suffer from an increased chance of developing sleep apnea, diabetes, hypertension, liver disease, heart disease and high cholesterol.
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