What is Meniere's Disease?
Causes of Meniere's Disease
A portion of the inner ear called the labyrinth has two parts--the bony labyrinth and the membranous labyrinth. The membranous labyrinth is filled with endolymph fluid and is surrounded by bone. The membranous labyrinth has nerve receptors that receive signals from the endolymph. It then sends the signals to the brain that inform the brain what position the body is in--upright, laying down, walking, turning or turning the head.
While it is not known for sure, according to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD), experts believe that a ruptured membranous labyrinth allows the endolymph fluid to mix with perilymph (another inner ear fluid). The experts believe that a rupture in the membranous labyrinth may be caused by noise pollution, biological factors and/or viral infections.
Symptoms of Ménière's Disease
The symptoms of Ménière's disease are, at best, unpredictable. They may come on suddenly and for no apparent reason. Vertigo can also cause additional symptoms such as severe nausea, sweating and vomiting. Symptoms, including loss of hearing, tinnitus and pressure in the ear can last a few hours to a few weeks.
Diagnosis of Ménière's Disease
Ménière's disease is not easy to diagnose. A physical examination is completed, a full medical history is taken and reviewed and several hearing and balance tests are administered to the patient. A magnetic resonance imaging test (MRI) may even be done. With all of these tests, doctors can tell if the hearing loss is sensory (inner ear) or neural (caused by the nerves). The MRI is used to check to see if there is a tumor causing the symptoms. Tumor growth can make a patient present with symptoms similar to Ménière's disease.
Treatment of Meniere's Disease
Because there is no cure for Ménière's disease, sufferers can alter their diet to help with treatment. Medication combined with a salt-free, caffeine-free and alcohol-free diet may help control most of the symptoms of this disease. Certain medications may also have to be changed (usually allergy medications). Surgery to remove the inner ear sense organ itself also helps with the symptoms of Ménière's disease. Vertigo is controlled, but hearing is sacrificed in the process.
Diet Recommendations for Ménière's Disease
If you are suffering from Ménière's disease, take your doctor's advice as far as removing certain foods from the diet. Read packages before purchasing food. Most premade food contains extreme amounts of sodium, which should be avoided. Caffeine affects some Ménière's patients, but not all, and should be avoided, especially if you notice it makes the symptoms worse.