What Are the Benefits of a Sensory Integration Weighted Vest?
What Is the Proprioceptive Sense?
Carol Stock Kranowitz, author of The Out-of-Sync Child, describes the proprioceptive sense as "the position sense." This refers to the child's perception of his body in space and movement.
What Are Characteristics of Proprioceptive Dysfunction?
Some children may have difficulty determining where their body is in space. These are the children who are frequently crashing into and touching things, using objects and playing roughly. They often prefer very tight clothing. Others have extremely poor fine motor and gross motor coordination. Still others have extremely poor posture.
What Is a Sensory Weighted Vest?
A sensory weighted vest is literally a vest with weights sewn inside or placed inside pockets in the vest. They can be constructed at home or ordered pre-fabricated from special companies. Your child's occupational therapist will determine the proper weights and the proper schedule for wearing the vest.
What Are the Benefits of a Sensory Weighted Vest?
Because the sensory weighted vest provides a constant and even deep pressure, the child is receiving the sensory input she craves. She is more aware of her body's position in space and can better control her movements. Motor coordination and spatial perception improves. She is more calm and focused, allowing her to better concentrate on the tasks at hand.
What Else Can Enhance the Benefits of a Sensory Weighted Vest?
Your child's occupational therapist will prescribe a special sensory diet, tailored to your child's specific individual needs. The OT will provide guidance on how to implement this diet at home, as well as providing therapy sessions. Closely following these plans will maximize the vest's benefits.