What Are the Symptoms of Excess Calcium?
Calcium-Rich Foods
Calcium-rich foods include milk, cheese, other dairy and salmon, as well as dark green vegetables and dried beans. According to the Health Castle website, the suggested calcium intake for adult men and women is 1,000 mg per day, with pregnant women adhering to the same allowance. Menopausal women are allowed 1,200 mg per day. Daily values beyond this range should be evaluated and approved by a medical professional.
Common Symptoms
The most common symptoms associated with excess calcium include: weak muscles, constipation and bloating, calcium stones (which may form in the urinary tract), weakened kidney function and low iron levels (calcium can prevent iron absorption in the body). Other symptoms may occur and should be evaluated by a medical professional.
People with high levels of calcium in the blood must see a doctor for testing. Known as hypercalcemia, excess calcium in the blood is caused when the parathyroid gland excretes too many PTH (parathyroid) hormones into the body. PTH hormones are part of a regulatory system that balances and maintains balanced levels of calcium in the body. When this system goes into overdrive (for any number of reasons), calcium levels increase and other conditions, like kidney stones, may result. Medication may be prescribed to treat this and other hypercalcemia-related problems.
Excess calcium in the body can age the skin, increase fatigue, slow mobility and lead to depression. If these conditions occur, or the eyes appear cloudy, the sufferer should stop taking any supplements that contain calcium as well as foods that are rich in calcium. Once calcium levels return to the recommended level, dairy products may be consumed again.
People with excess calcium in their bodies should avoid eating salmon, herring and tuna, because these foods can be harmful to the body when consumed while excess calcium is in the blood. Once calcium levels return to normal, these foods can be eaten again.