Streptococcal Meningitis Symptoms
One of the most common symptoms of streptococcal meningitis is a high fever. This fever will usually approach 103 degrees and could easily be confused with another illness or infection. Typically, this particular symptom will manifest one to two days after infection by the Streptococcus pneumoniae.
Many times, the fever will also bring with it a headache. The headache will likely be severe, sometimes causing nausea and vomiting. Much like the symptom of fever, headaches will usually come one to two days after infection.
Another fairly common symptom of streptococcal meningitis would be some level of lethargy. The person might be extremely tired, exhausted or sluggish. He might become overly sleepy and actually become exceedingly hard to wake after a nap or a longer period of sleep.
For some people with streptococcal meningitis, they can become befuddled. This is largely because of the inflammation that is occurring within the lining of the brain as well as any change in the fluid surrounding the brain. If you're concerned that you child has meningitis, this particular symptom might also be displayed by failure to maintain eye contact, according to the Mayo Clinic.
Stiff Neck
Streptococcal meningitis not only affects the lining and fluid surrounding the brain, but also the lining and fluid surrounding the spinal cord. You might begin to notice an unexplained stiffness within the neck. This is a result of the inflammation to any membranes or fluid within this region of the body.
Many people with streptococcal meningitis could begin to display a symptom that affects the ingestion of food and drink. The effect of this particular symptom is the person might become indifferent to the ingestion of either food or drink. It might take more prodding or urging for someone to eat a meal, drink his milk or even indulge in a dessert.