Hemorrhoid Banding Treatment
Hemorrhoid Banding Procedure
In a hemorrhoid banding procedure, a physician places a rubber band around the base of the hemorrhoid. The band ties off the circulation to the hemorrhoid and the hemorrhoid falls off within a few days from a lack of blood supply. This can be a painful technique and your physician will use a local anesthetic to relieve the pain. If you are having multiple hemorrhoids removed, your physician may use general anesthesia.
Recovery from Hemorrhoid Banding
Although the hemorrhoid goes away in a few days, recovery can last longer. It is common to be in pain for a few days or even a couple weeks. You could bleed for up to two weeks from the banding procedure. During your recovery from the banding procedure, you may feel like you have the urge to have a bowel movement even when you don't. Having gas is also common. It is important during this time that you eat fiber rich foods and drink plenty of water so that you do not become constipated. Avoid any heavy lifting or anything that can cause strain. Straining or constipation could cause the hemorrhoid to return.
Relieving the Pain
While recovering from hemorrhoid banding, you should take a pain reliever. Taking several sitz baths a day provides relief from the pain and it keeps the area clean. Apply any creams to the treated area that your physician suggests.
Deciding if Hemorrhoid Banding is for You
If you have multiple hemorrhoids or chronic flare-ups of hemorrhoids, then you should consider hemorrhoid banding. If your hemorrhoids are not swollen enough to protrude outside your anus, it is not recommended. Hemorrhoid banding is a relatively inexpensive procedure and can be successful if you make lifestyle changes. Permanent lifestyle changes in your diet that consists of fiber and water are important to soften stools so hemorrhoids do not return later.
When Not to Have Hemorroid Banding
If you have had two or three hemorrhoid bandings performed and the hemorrhoids do not go away, your physician may recommend surgery. Recovery time is longer and the procedure is more expensive than hemorrhoid banding, but it is permanent.