Causes of Hand Numbness
Hand numbness can be an indication of a stroke in progress. If the numbness comes on suddenly and is accompanied by shooting pain up the arm, a stroke may be in progress, and the patient should receive emergency treatment. Other symptoms that may accompany the numbness if a stroke is under way are dizziness, confusion, difficulty talking and paralysis.
When the arm remains inactive for a long period, such as when sleeping or sitting, the circulation gets cut off, and the hand can become numb. Lack of blood supply to the hands also can be the result of plaque buildup in the arteries and can signal serious complications. Moving and shaking the hand to see if feeling returns quickly can test the severity of the condition. If the hand remains numb after moving it around, a physician should be contacted.
According to the National Institutes of Health, nerve damage to a disc in the back can cause the arms and hands to go numb. When moved into a certain position, the herniated disc will put pressure on the nerves and create the numbness. An injury to the top of the spine, near the neck, typically presents as tingling and painful numbness or sensation in the arms and hands, while lower back injuries usually affect the legs and feet.
Carpel Tunnel Syndrome
When the middle nerve that runs to the hand is damaged, it can result in numbness and carpel tunnel syndrome. The condition is primarily associated with repetitive motions done in working conditions, such as keyboarding and carpentry, that require the same hand movements for hours on end. The initial numbness will present in the thumb and side of the palm if the feeling is the result of carpel tunnel syndrome. Swelling often accompanies the sensations.
Raynaud's Phenomenon
Raynaud's phenomenon, also called Raynaud's disease, is a circulatory condition that causes the extremities, like the nose, ears, toes and fingers, to tingle and go numb when exposed to the cold, or when a person experiences extreme emotions or stress. The blood vessels constrict in response to cold and stress, and send a tingling sensation through the hands, eventually numbing the extremity. The numbing sensation can last for a couple of minutes or a few hours. Doctors at the National Institutes of Health report that relaxation techniques are one of the best defenses against hand-numbing attacks for people who suffer from Raynaud's disease.