What Are the Causes of Stomach Aches?
Food Poisoning
One cause of stomach aches is food poisoning, which presents symptoms of stomach pain, vomiting, diarrhea and fever. Salmonella is a common food-borne bacteria, and though it can be life-threatening, it usually passes within a week. E.coli is a growing form that can present itself through bloody stools. If this happens, see your doctor immediately. Most food poisoning is caused by undercooked, expired or ill-handled food. To prevent food poisoning, avoid raw foods or foods past their expiration.
Indigestion is another form of stomach ache often accompanied by bloating, heartburn and nausea. Common causes include spicy or greasy foods, alcohol, stress, tobacco and medications. See your doctor if you have constant indigestion, as that can be a sign of a serious problem.Things you can do to prevent and treat indigestion include eating slower, avoiding certain foods, cutting back alcohol and smoking, reducing stress and avoiding caffeine. Your doctor may also prescribe a medication that can neutralize the acids in your stomach and alleviate indigestion.
Commonly known as the stomach flu, gastroenteritis causes inflammation of the stomach and intestines. Symptoms include diarrhea, vomiting, headache and fever. Cases of gastroenteritis usually last no more than three days and carry no severe risks. The main concern with gastroenteritis is dehydration. If a person is expelling more than he is taking in, he may be at risk for dehydration and should be taken to a doctor. Prevention of gastroenteritis can be done through frequent hand washing and cleanliness.
Constipation can also cause stomach aches and occurs when a person has difficulty making bowel movements. A person is considered constipated if she doesn't make more than three bowel movements a week. Constipation can be caused by numerous things, including low fiber intake, dehydration, dairy products and medications. Treatments for constipation range from a change in lifestyle, such as implementing more exercise, to a change in diet or using laxatives. Laxatives should not be used for a prolonged period of time, though, unless authorized by your doctor.
Menstrual Cramps
Menstrual cramps can be the culprit of stomach pains and can range from mild to severe. If you have severe menstrual cramps that impede your ability to do daily activity, it might be a sign of an underlying problem. Menstrual cramps can be treated in a few ways. One is through the use of birth control pills, which can lessen menstrual symptoms every month. You can also take over-the-counter pain relievers, such as Midol, to alleviate pain.
Another common cause of stomach pains is stress. When a person is stressed, his body can react in a number of ways, which can include cramping of the stomach muscles. If this is the case, try drinking some chamomile tea or taking Pepto-Bismol.