Femara Side Effects
Most Common Femara Side Effects
Femara's most common side effects are not dangerous and occur in more than 20 percent of people who take the drug. These are not considered dangerous but a person taking Femara should still pay attention to these occurrences. Hot flashes and fatigue are the most common side effects, occurring as often as 33 percent of the time. In addition, abnormal sweating was commonly reported. The onset of joint pain or a diagnosis of arthritis is extremely common as well. At least one out of every five people on Femara complains of intense headaches.
More Common Femara Side Effects
Femara has more common side effects that have occurred in clinical trials in anywhere from 15 percent to 20 percent of people on the drug. Swelling and water retention are a common complain among users. Also, back pain and nausea occur in as many as 18 percent of Femara users. Also, users who have their cholesterol checked before and after starting the drug may find that they have a large increase in their cholesterol. These side effects should be reported to your doctor.
Less Common Femara Side Effects
The third set of nonthreatening Femara side effects occur in less than 15 percent of users. These side effects include weight loss or gain, inability to sleep and night sweats, inability to eat, heartburn, either constipation or diarrhea, flu-like symptoms, bones easily breaking, dizziness and becoming susceptible to urinary tract infections.
Severe Femara Side Effects
There is another set of side effects that are dangerous. These are the growth of tumors, chest pain, blood clots (signs of a blood clot include swelling and tenderness), difficulty getting air into the lungs, and vaginal bleeding that is out of the ordinary, vision problems, trouble speaking and severe stomach pain. These must be reported to a doctor immediately.
Side Effects Related to Allergic Reaction To Femara
Some people have been found to have allergic reactions to Femara. After taking Femara, a person may notice a rash or hives on the skin that become itchy or notice swelling in the joints. If an allergy to Femara is suspected, use should be discontinued until a doctor can check out the symptoms and decide if it was the drug is the cause.