How to Remove Nits From Hair
Things You'll Need
- Nit comb
- Head lice shampoo or Ovide
- Vinegar
- Paper towels
Kill the adult bugs. This must be done before you remove the nits, or the living adults will just lay more nits and you will be stuck in a never-ending cycle. You can use an over-the-counter head lice shampoo, or you can get the doctor to prescribe you Ovide.
Sit your child in front of the sink and have her lay back her head.
Pour vinegar in her hair until the hair is soaked with it. Have her keep the vinegar on her head for at least five minutes. The vinegar will loosen the nits from the hair shafts.
Rinse out the vinegar. You can use a conditioner at this time if you want to get rid of the vinegar smell.
Use a nit comb to remove the nits. You must work your way from the scalp all the way out through the tips. Each time you get to the end, wipe off the comb on a paper towel.
Separate your daughter's hair if it is long. Use hair clips--not scrunchies--to do this, as the nits can live on the scrunchy and then hatch. Start at the back of the head and then work your way to the top.