Reasons for Poor Circulation in the Feet

Having inadequate circulation in the feet can lead to many problems. Some are mild and others are more severe. Symptoms you may experience include cramping pain and numbness in the feet. The skin may change color and become red, blue or just more pale. You may have difficulty keeping your feet warm and be more susceptible to infections and sores that do not heal well. To help manage these symptoms it is important to discover what is causing the lack of circulation in the feet and then take proper steps to treat it.
  1. Age

    • Age changes your body. The degree to which you are affected by these changes depends on genetics, life style choices such as smoking, poor eating habits and lack of exercise. Smoke from tobacco directly damages the inside of the arteries, which can reduce blood flow to the legs and feet. Being sedentary and having inadequate nutrition can all lead to foot circulatory problems later in life.


    • Having diabetes can place you at a higher risk of circulatory problems in the feet. Your risk becomes even higher if you use insulin or have diabetes-related kidney, eye or heart disease. The elevated blood glucose levels that exist in those with diabetes, can damage the nerves in the lower body. This can limit your body's ability to fight infection and heal sores that develop in the feet. In addition, diabetes can cause changes to the blood vessels which will diminish blood flow into the foot. Keeping your blood sugar levels in check will help you to avoid unnecessary complications.


    • A common cause of poor circulation in the feet is atherosclerosis. This condition is caused by a hardening of the arteries due to plaque buildup. This buildup of fatty substances inside the wall of the artery, causes the artery wall to thicken which in turn reduces blood to flow to the foot. Getting regular checkups and managing your heart health is an important step in your overall care.

    High Blood Pressure

    • High blood pressure, called hypertension, can cause damage to the arteries in the feet and leg. This damage can interfere with blood flow to the feet. Also, the side effects of some anti-hypertensive medicines include swelling and discoloration of the legs and feet. Swelling in the legs can reduce the amount of blood flow to your feet. Have your blood pressure checked regularly and make healthy lifestyle choices to cut down on your risk.

    Peripheral Artery Disease

    • PAD is a condition that is diagnosed when your legs and feet do not receive enough blood flow. PAD can leave you with leg pain when walking and all of the other above mentioned symptoms of poor circulation in the foot. This condition occurs when the artery walls narrow or when there are blood clots inside of the arteries in the feet. Obesity, smoking, high cholesterol levels, family history of PAD and diabetes all increase your risk of developing this condition. Knowing your risk factors and taking steps to modify the ones you can will make a big difference in your overall health.

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