What Are the Side Effects of Using a Nighttime Sleep Aid?

Many people use a nighttime sleep aid for at least a short period of time. They may try over-the-counter sleep aids or seek a prescription-strength sleep aid from a physician. Other individuals may try natural sleep aids in an attempt to avoid the possibility of harmful or even dangerous side effects. While most people are able to use nighttime sleep aids effectively and safely, it is important to take them with care and, ideally, under medical supervision.
  1. Daytime Grogginess

    • While it is often normal to feel some grogginess upon first waking up, individuals who use nighttime sleep aids often report feeling groggy for hours or throughout the entire day. They also sometimes report not feeling rested, even after obtaining what would normally be seen as an adequate amount of sleep. Daytime grogginess makes operating machinery or driving a car potentially dangerous.


    • Some users of nighttime sleep aids become dependent on the medication. Some users come to need more and more of the medication to fall asleep and ultimately are unable to fall asleep on their own. Other users develop a more general drug dependency or even drug addiction. Potential dependency is one reason why nighttime sleep aid use should be closely monitored, either by the user himself or by a medical professional.

    Nervous System Side Effects

    • Symptoms such as mental confusion and dizziness are sometimes seen with the use of nighttime sleep aids. Other nervous system side effects include body rigidity, tongue and lip protrusion and difficulty with swallowing. These symptoms frequently resolve themselves once the drug is discontinued. Nonetheless, you should seek medical attention immediately should such symptoms occur.

    Other Physical Side Effects

    • Severe allergic reactions have also been reported with nighttime sleep aid use. Other side effects include rash, dry eyes and blurred vision, facial swelling and urinary retention. Some physical symptoms are more common, while others are rare. In addition, some symptoms manifest themselves more severely in some people than in others. Any physical side effects from using nighttime sleep aids should be brought to the attention of a medical professional.

    Sleep-Related Behaviors

    • In rare instances, very bizarre behavior such as making phone calls while asleep, sleepwalking, cooking while asleep and even sleep driving have been reported as a result of taking nighttime sleep aids. Obviously, many of these behaviors represent very dangerous side effects. Even a single incident of sleep-related behavior associated with taking nighttime sleep aids should be brought to the immediate attention of a medical professional.

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