Nitro Hemorrhoid Treatment

Hemorrhoids are bulging veins that occur near the anus, either inside or near the opening, which cause bleeding, pain and itching. Most hemorrhoids eventually heal themselves, and the pain diminishes within a week; however, the pain can be sever enough to causes patient to seek treatment. Nitroglycerin ointment is one method that has proven effective for some people.
  1. History

    • Nitroglycerin pills and patches applied to the skin have long been used as a treatment for the chest pain called angina.Nitroglycerin ointment has relatively recently been proven to offer patients relief from the pain of hemorrhoids when applied to the painful fissures.


    • When applied to the hemorrhoids, topical nitroglycerin eases the pain, making patients more comfortable while the hemorrhoids heal and, in some cases, avoiding the surgery to remove them.


    • Nitroglycerin ointment can be applied by the patient at home for pain. A very minimal amount should be used to avoid side effects, based on doctor recommendations. The pain is usually reduced within five minutes.

    How Nitro Works

    • Nitroglycerin ointment relaxes the spasm that occurs in the sphincter muscle, restoring blood flow to the lining of the anal canal to ease the pain.

    Side Effects

    • Use of the ointment causes headaches in many people who use it. Certain other people should exercise caution or avoid using the nitroglycerin at all. See the other warnings in this article.


    • Blood pressure should be monitored when using nitroglycerin, because an abnormally low blood pressure may result from its use. If your blood pressure does drop, you should stop using the nitro ointment immediately. For the same reason, people using medications that lower blood pressure should exercise caution and discuss the use of the nitroglycerin ointment with their physician prior to using it.


    • People who use Viagra, Cialis and other such phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors should not use nitroglycerin in any form. Those using nitrogylcerin patches should not use the ointment. In all cases, speak to your physician prior to using the nitrogylcerin ointment and notify him of other medications you may be taking.

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