Tenosynovitis Symptoms
The most common symptom of tenosynovitis will involve pain and discomfort within your hand. Most of the time, this pain will be isolated near the base of the thumb, but may, on occasion, stretch down into your wrist.
Accompanying this pain will be a certain amount of swelling and inflammation within this same region of your hand. This swelling and inflammation will typically be noticeable to the human eye, especially when the condition is only affecting one of your hands. Holding your hands side by side can indicate the amount of swelling.
Sometimes, tenosynovitis may bring about a lack of sensation or numbness to your thumb that may spread into your index finger. This particular symptom would only be present if the actual tendon commonly affected by this condition has swelled so much that it is placing pressure on the nerves of your thumb and finger.
Depending on how your body reacts to the irritation and inflammation of tenosynovitis, you may begin to notice the development of a cyst near the base of the thumb. This cyst is actually an accumulation of fluid that has slowly built up as a result of the inflammation. This cyst is almost always accompanied by the pain and swelling, and doesn't usually form without these two symptoms.
Limited Mobility
For some people, tenosynovitis will actually begin to limit the mobility and range of both your thumb and wrist. It will be most noticeable when trying to make a fist or grasping something with your hand. You may also begin to notice that your thumb has a tendency to "lock" or "stick" when bending it.
Audible Noise
In some case of tenosynovitis, a person can literally hear an almost squeaking sound, according to the Mayo Clinic, when you engage the tendons running between the thumb and wrist. This happens from their actual movement as the inflammation restricts normal activity.