What is Oral Chelation Therapy?
Substances That Cause Heavy Metal Accumulation
Individuals acquire heavy metals from a surprising number of sources. Lead may be introduced into the body through air pollution, canned foods, gasoline and its byproducts, and hair dye. The use of fluorescent lighting, pesticides, batteries and dental amalgams allows mercury to enter the system. Nickel accumulation occurs with the usage of ceramics, coins, hairspray and simple tap water. Aluminum is found in a variety of products, including but not limited to aluminum cookware, aluminum foil, antacids, lipstick and baking powder. Cadmium is found in cigarette smoke, fungicides, air pollution, and cadmium batteries. The deadly metal arsenic is the main ingredient of many insecticides, wood preservatives and herbicides. Symptoms of chronic heavy metal toxicity include headaches, muscle pain, chronic fatigue, unexplained weight loss, short-term memory loss, gastrointestinal distress, dry, scaly skin, hair loss and anxiety. Acute symptoms, which are generally acquired under hazardous working conditions, include severe abdominal pain, fever, anorexia nervosa and cardiovascular changes. Left unchecked, subtle cardiovascular changes may lead to cardiac arrest. Chelation therapy is recognized as a viable option for removing dangerous metal levels and restoring homeostasis.
What the Proponents Say About Chelation Therapy
Proponents of EDTA Chelation claim that regular therapy provides a host of benefits. These include, but are not limited to: dissolution of cataracts, improved vision, cholesterol reduction, prevention of osteoarthritis, removal of arterial plaque, normalization of cardiac arrhythmia and reduced blood pressure. According to Dr. Garry Gordon, "Chelation therapy is the safest and most effective way to cleanse our bodies of pervasive heavy metal toxins and remove age-accelerating calcium deposits from our cardiovascular systems." (Dr. Gordon is the founder and director of Gordon Research Institute, and has been conducting scientific and clinical research for 40 years.)
Opposition to Chelation Therapy
Opponents of chelation therapy point out that, while the treatment is the only viable option for serious heavy metal poisoning, chelating agents are toxic themselves, and should only be used when absolutely necessary. Potential side effects of EDTA chelation include: severe skin peeling and/or blistering, depletion of muscle strength, fever, migraines and chills. More ominous effects are potential kidney damage or failure, and the total chelation of essential minerals. (Trace amounts of minerals are essential for the maintenance of homeostasis.) Opponents also claim that none of the touted benefits of chelation therapy has been proven by scientifically sound clinical trials. Dr. Saul Green's exhaustive studies of chelation therapy have led him to conclude that proponents' theories in regard to chelation are not sound and that the therapy's safety is "dubious."
Eat Foods That Eat Heavy Metals
A large variety of everyday foods have natural chelating properties. The most promising of these, the herb cilantro (discovered by Dr. Yoshiaki Omura), has proved to be an excellent agent for removing excess mercury from the body. A daily tablespoon of this spice is sufficient. Garlic is also known for its chelation properties, and can be added to food or taken in tablet form. Other well-known free-radical enemies are vitamins A and E.
Take Vitamins as Prescribed
Do not take more vitamin A or vitamin E than the manufacturer recommends. While most vitamins are excreted harmlessly through the urine, large doses of these two vitamins can be toxic.