The Symptoms of Human Parasites
Most people will usually suffer from some level of nausea when infected with a human parasite. This has a lot to do with the location in the body that the parasite will commonly call home. Many of the parasites that infect humans usually find their way into the digestive tract, infiltrating the walls of the intestines, where they can mature and breed. Once in the intestines, these parasites will often cause a person to become nauseous, sometimes so severe that it prompts vomiting.
Much like nausea, these parasites can also cause a person to experience intermittent episodes of diarrhea or loose stools. Again, this is largely due to the parasitic infection along the intestinal walls. As the parasites mature and multiply, a person will experience an increased frequency of diarrhea and may also experience blood in the stool.
Another fairly common symptom of human parasites will manifest as abdominal cramping and discomfort. Cramps may come with or without nausea and diarrhea, but they will generally increase in frequency and intensity as the population of the parasites grows. For the most part, the cramping will start out dull and systematically worsen until it is fairly sharp.
It isn't uncommon for a person with a parasite to begin to develop a fever. Of course, not all parasites will cause this type of reaction in an individual, but the potential is still there. Usually, you'll start off with a relatively mild fever (between 100 and 101 degrees F) that progresses, when left untreated, to one that is rather high (over 103 degrees F). But, a fever doesn't always come alone, and some people will begin to suffer from the sweats as well as the chills.
Respiratory Issues
As the parasites are allowed to breed, mature and breed again, there becomes the potential for migration. One such place that they do journey is into the lungs, where they again can mature and breed. When your lungs experience this type of invasion, you'll usually begin to suffer from some respiratory issues, including a persistent cough, wheezing and a shortness of breath.
Fatigue and Pain
Another common area of migration of these parasites is actually the blood, which can effectively carry these microscopic organisms almost anywhere in the body. When this occurs, you'll typically begin to experience an increasing amount of fatigue and exhaustion. This may then be followed with some pain and discomfort within in your arms and legs, as the parasite begin to invade muscle tissues.