What Is a Fistula?

Finding out you have a fistula can be shocking, particularly if you haven't had any symptoms leading you to believe you could have one. Some fistulas can be perfectly harmless, but others can create serious health issues. Identifying the type of fistula you have is the first step in finding out what treatment, if any, is necessary.
  1. Definition

    • A fistula is an unnatural connection between organs or blood vessels. For example, a person could develop a fistula between loops in their intestines, connecting the two loops with a passageway that isn't part of a normal digestive tract.


    • Fistulas can occur in any part of the body, from any organ. Fistulas that occur between blood vessels or veins are called arteriovenous fistulas. A fistula that extends from the belly button to the digestive track is called an umbilical fistula. Fistulas that extend from the bowel include enterovaginal (connects to the vagina), fecal (exits outside the body) and peritoneal (connects to the peritoneal cavity).


    • Fistulas can be complete, meaning there are openings at either end of the connection. They can also be blind or closed, meaning one end is blocked. Other types include incomplete (a tube that extends from an organ but does not connect to another) or horseshoe shaped (they go around an organ and exit the body).


    • Some fistulas are created during surgery to allow internal fluids to exit the body. These types of fistulas are usually repaired after they have served their purpose. Fistulas that occur naturally can be harmless and can heal on their own, or they can create life-threatening conditions, such as infection, blood loss or malnutrition.


    • A fistula that exits the body can be identified by having a doctor examine the fluids that are being secreted. An internal fistula can be discovered via ultrasound, contrast x-ray, computerized tomography (CT) scan or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).


    • Fistulas can be created during surgery to allow fluids that can be harmful to exit the body. Naturally occurring fistulas can be a result of an injury or an infection.


    • Some fistulas open and close on their own without a person ever having known they had one. Harmful fistulas require surgery to close them and prevent further injury.

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