What Can Cause a Liver to Be Enlarged?
Alcohol abuse carries with it a long list of harmful side effects such as increased risk for cancer, gout, birth defects and obesity. The liver, especially, can suffer from alcohol abuse. Continuous heavy consumption can cause a fatty liver or cirrhosis of the liver, which can lead to scarring and enlargement. If this is left untreated, fatal liver failure can develop.
Hepatitis is a condition that has five different types---hepatitis A, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, hepatitis D and hepatitis E. All of which can have an adverse effect on the liver and can cause enlargement. Hepatitis happens when healthy liver cells are overrun with inflammatory cells. The liver becomes enlarged, and the right side of the body can experience pain and tenderness if it is touched.
Mononucleosis is a condition caused from the contraction of a virus from Epstein-Barr syndrome. This is often times called the kissing disease---it is contagious and can be transmitted through saliva. It can also be caught by using an infected person's silverware or from being exposed to a cough or sneeze. When mononucleosis is contracted, the liver can become enlarged.
Hemochromatosis is a condition where the organs absorb too much iron. This is seen in the pancreas, heart and especially the liver. When the liver gets filled up with iron, it becomes enlarged. In the worst of cases, this can lead to liver disease and cancer. Being that iron is found in blood, hemochromatosis is treated is by removing blood from the body on a weekly basis to help lower iron.
Leukemia is a type of cancer caused when the white blood cell count in the body becomes too high. This most often occurs in the bone marrow, but it can also affect the liver and cause it to become enlarged. Another form of cancer, metastatic cancer, can also cause the liver to become enlarged from the development of tumors. This occurs when cancer travels to the liver from other parts of the body.