Atrophic Rhinitis Treatments
Instruct your patient to take oral potassium iodide three to four times a day after meals. This drug works by increasing nasal secretions and loosening mucous, enabling your patient to breathe easier.
Apply antibiotic ointment such as Bacitracin to the inside of your patient's nose to kill bacteria. When the inner nose wastes away, bacteria increases. That causes a foul odor. Bacitracin acts by destroying the cell walls of the bacteria causing the patient's nose to deteriorate.
Apply topical Vitamin A. This vitamin reduces crusting of the inner nose by hastening the production of Mucus secretions and maintains the strength of bone tissue.
Apply topical Vitamin D. This vitamin has an important role of enhancing the growth of turbinate bones in your patient's nose. It also helps the immune system produce Natural Killer Cells that target the bacteria-causing nasal atrophy.
Instruct your patient to spray the inside of her nose with normal saline (salt water) twice a day. This solution forces water into the bacteria, causing them to explode. Normal saline also removes the foul odor caused by the presence of bacteria.