How to Stop Pin Worms
Cut fingernails. Long fingernails, both on adults and children, are a terrific place for the pinworm eggs to hide; this makes it easier for the infection to spread when the infected person touches anything around them. Keeping fingernails short not only makes it impossible for the pinworms to make a home, but also enables the infected person to wash any remaining eggs away.
Practice Good Hygiene. Since pinworms are spread from person to person, make an extra effort to wash your hands on a regular basis, especially after going to the store or any other public place. Hand sanitizers like Germ X will also work in a pinch.
Take a bath. If you or your child experiences itching in the anal cavity and believe it may be pinworm, take a bath. The water will help relieve the itching.
Wash all bedding. This includes the bedding of everyone in the house, as a preventative measure. Washing the bedding in hot water will kill any eggs that exist and prevent the infection from spreading further. You will then want to take it a step further and dry them on high heat in the dryer to make sure you have accomplished your objective.
Gather toys. Take all toys and stuffed animals and place them in a garbage bag, sealing it air tight. The pinworms cannot survive unless they live in the human body; if there are any eggs on your child's toys, placing them in a plastic bag for a period of two weeks should take care of the problem.
Disinfect everything. Diluted bleach water is the best way to achieve the level of disinfection you are looking for. The first place you want to begin is the bathroom, especially the toilet. Move on to doorknobs, counter tops, and everything you or your family frequently comes into contact with.