What Are Peeling Nail Disorders?
Harsh Detergents and Water
Frequent use of harsh detergents and putting your hands in water too often can weaken your nails. Using rubber gloves when cleaning and washing dishes may help.
Nail Glue
The use of nail glue for application of artificial nails can weaken your nails. Do not use nail glue. You need to give your nails a chance to heal and recover.
Acetone Polish Remover
Acetone nail polish remover can dry your nails. Oil-based removers can hydrate them to prevent them from peeling.
Nutrient Deficiencies
Nutrient deficiencies, such as C-complex, vitamin C, folic acid, calcium and omega 3 can cause soft, peeling nails. A multivitamin that includes iron and extra vitamin C can help.
Massage hand lotion or oil into your nails and cuticles after your hands have been in water and at bedtime. Do not use very hot water. Use a lighter-grain nail file. Do not file the sides of your nails or buff them. Do not abuse your fingernails by using them as tools.