Treatment for Bleeding Hemorrhoids
General Treatment
Treatment for hemorrhoids depends on whether they are internal or external. Since most hemorrhoids resolve on their own, most treatment is aimed at relieving symptoms. Creams such as Preparation H help relieve itching and sooth the area.
Reducing Inflammation
One key to managing hemorrhoids is reducing the swelling. Sitting in a warm bath, ice packs and taking medicine like acetaminophen or aspirin are helpful ways to cut down the inflammation.
Rubber Band Ligation
This is a method of removing hemorrhoids wherein a doctor places a rubber band around the hemorrhoid, cutting off its blood supply. After a few days, it will shrivel up and simply fall off.
This is when a doctor surgically cuts out hemorrhoids using a knife or laser. This is used to treat both internal and external hemorrhoids.
Self Care
Drinking lots of water, eating foods such as prunes, losing weight and increasing exercise are ways to stop hemorrhoids from reappearing.