Nail Psoriasis Treatment
Nail psoriasis causes tiny pits and severe roughness on the surface of the nail plate. The nail plate can look like it has been filed with a coarse abrasive. The nail can develop yellow to red spots underneath the nail plate. It can also begin to loosen from the skin.
If the nails seem infected or are painful, seek medical attention.Your doctor can take a sample of your skin to help determine if you have nail psoriasis. The doctor will also check to see if you have developed a fungal infection.
Medical Treatments
Sometimes part of the nail needs to be removed. A chemical removal involves an ointment that is placed on the nails for a week. The nail will fall off on its own and there is little to no bleeding. The nail may also be removed surgically.
Topical ointments are usually prescribed to rub on and around the nail. Steroid creams and vitamin derivatives are commonly used. Steroids can also be injected under the nail. An anti-fungal solution can be prescribed if a fungus infection is present. There is also a therapy treatment that consists of medication and exposure to ultraviolet light.
At Home Care
Try to avoid injuring your nails. If the nail has loosened, you can trim the nail back. Any nail care must be gentle so avoid artificial nails and manicures. Be careful if the nail is loose, because it can become infected. Apply prescribed medications as directed.