Causes of Lower Abdominal & Testicular Pain
Testicular torsion is a condition in which the spermatic cord gets twisted and cuts off blood flow to the area around the scrotum and the testicles. This is generally caused from a genetic predisposition or it can be the result of intense exercise. Minimally invasive surgery is the treatment for this condition and it needs to be done quickly.
There are a couple infections that can occur in the testicular area that can cause pain. They are called orchitis and epididymis. These infections are caused from a complication of a viral disease or a urinary tract infection.
One obvious reason for pain in the lower abdominal and testicular area is from getting hit there. This can happen while playing a sport or it can be the result of getting kicked.
Hernias happen when there is a break or weakness in the wall of the abdomen and part of the intestines actually push through which can lead to pain. Treatments for hernias involve surgery where the part of the intestine that is sticking out gets pushed back in and the torn abdominal muscle gets repaired. But if the hernia is small, the treatment is just waiting and watching.
Kidney Stomes
The kidneys are responsible for evacuating urine from the body. Often times, they get hard deposits of calcium built up inside them that are called kidney stones. When they get passed from the body, they can cause severe pain.