How to Deal With Staph Infection
Staphylococcus, or staph, is a strain of bacteria that can cause health issues. Though a staph infection may cause no problems and may heal by itself, some staph infections can be fatal. The best way to deal with a staph infection is to take preventative care so that one does not occur in the first place. This involves paying extra attention to hygiene. Since staph infections can spread, it is important not to share personal items, like towels, and wear shoes in wet areas that others share, such as a public pool. If a staph infection occurs, there are steps you can take to deal with it.Things You'll Need
- Topical antibiotic Band-aid Soap Water
Identify the area as a staph infection. With a staph infection, there may be redness, swelling, an abscess or a boil.The area may be filled with pus, and drainage may occur. Though a staph infection may occur in anyone, people with diabetes, newborns, mothers who breastfeed and drug users are at higher risk. If a skin wound is minor, you may want to treat it at home. If you see a lot of discoloration, pus or other inflammation, you will want to visit the doctor.
Carefully wash the affected area with a gentle soap and water, and gently pat dry. Cleanliness will help prevent growth of bacteria.
Apply a thin coat of a topical antibiotic ointment, such as Neosporin or Polysporin. Neosporin and Polysporin are available over the counter at drugstores. Cover with a band-aid. This will keep bacteria from getting into the affected area.
Monitor the infection. If it starts to get worse, if it becomes more painful or if you feel ill, call your doctor.
Some staph infections will require the use of prescription oral antibiotics. In some cases, an abscess will have to be professionally drained. A severe staph infection can result in death, so do not hesitate to see a doctor if a skin wound does not improve or if the condition worsens.