Signs of Alcohol Addiction
Over 17 million adult Americans suffer from alcoholism. Teens and youth also battle with this addiction. Alcoholism is a disease, and recognizing it is the first step in recovery. There are many signs to alert a person that they may be an alcoholic. The cure for alcoholism is complete abstinence. Knowing that you, a friend, a family member or a co-worker may be suffering with the disease or heading on the path to becoming an alcoholic, is important, and getting help just may save a life.-
Alcohol Abuser or Alcoholic?
There is a very fine line between an alcohol abuser and an alcoholic. What differentiates the two is the alcoholic's physically dependency an alcoholic and his ability to drink copious amount of alcohol and still appear quite sober.
I'll Have Just One
No matter how good the intentions may be, an alcoholic cannot stop after one drink.
Drinking Alone
An alcoholic will many times drink alone. An alcoholic will drink anywhere and at anytime. An alcoholic may also try to hide the fact that she is drinking.
An alcoholic will have a very real physical dependency on alcohol. The need for a drink will almost always be present. It will be the first thought in the morning, the last thought at night and with every thought in between.
Physical Symptoms
When an alcoholic needs a drink, or when he attempts to "dry out," he may experience sweating, nausea and "the shakes." Excessive alcohol intake also takes a toll on the body's organs, the mind and appearance.