Causes of Thrush in Toddlers
Thrush appears as white, curdle-like patches on the tongue, roof of the mouth and inside of the cheek. It is often mistaken as milk, but if you scrape it, you will find red inflamed skin underneath that sometimes bleeds.
Cause: Medications
Toddlers who take antibiotics are more likely to get thrush. This is because the antibiotics, as well as killing the bad bacteria, also kill the good bacteria that keep the Candida fungus from growing too much.
Cause: Person-to-Person Contact
If a toddler is still nursing, he can get thrush from his mother's infected nipples. He can also get it if an infected person does not practice good hand washing and touches him.
Cause: Contaminated Objects
If a toddler's younger sibling has thrush, the toddler can get thrush by putting contaminated bottles, toys or pacifiers in her mouth.
Thrush is often treated with an anti-fungal medication prescribed by a doctor.