How to Cure Hot Flashes for Males
Know that male hot flashes can be successfully treated with an estrogen, such as estradiol. However, since prostate cancer growth may be stimulated by hormones, your doctor may want you to avoid this. Also, unwanted side effects of estradiol are breast swelling and tenderness.
Realize that antidepressants usually prescribed for menopausal women have been successful in treating male hot flashes. According to the Harvard Medical School website, selective serotonin uptake inhibitors (SSRIs) can be prescribed, but may cause sexual dysfunction. Venlafaxine also works, but could raise blood pressure.
Ask your doctor about using an anti-seizure drug called gabapentin. It's usually prescribed for epileptics but has been successful in treating hot flashes in men and women, although it could cause dizziness.
Rely on alternative treatments commonly used by women for hot flashes if you're the rare male who experiences them in the absence of prostate cancer treatment. Vitamin supplements, soy, progesterone cream and a diet rich with fruits and vegetables can ease the discomfort of hot flashes.
Exercise moderately several times a week in order to regulate your hormones. Walking is often the easiest and best form of exercise with the most long-term benefits for older people.