How to Cure Nail Fungus & Still Wear Sandals
Ask your doctor if an oral antifungal medication would be appropriate for your condition. Medications such as Itraconazole, Fluconazole or Terbinafine are often prescribed. These will help a new, healthy nail to grow, replacing the infected portion of the nail. This may take about three months.
Consider an antifungal lacquer, such as ciclopirox. This is a prescription nail polish that is applied daily and then removed after a week.
Investigate topical over-the-counter medications to use in conjunction with the oral medications. According to the Mayo Clinic, they will cure the infection and help speed up the healing process.
Try a home remedy, such as soaking the toes in vinegar or applying Vicks VapoRub to the area. According to the Mayo Clinic, there are anecdotal reports that these help clear nail fungus, yet there have been no clinical trials on the Vicks treatment, and studies show vinegar will inhibit growth of some bacteria.