How to Care for Toddlers with Thrush

Thrush is an overgrowth of yeast cells that can occur any time the number of beneficial bacterial cells in the body can no longer keep the yeast cells in check. This can occur when taking certain medications like antibiotics, when breastfeeding, or when your diet is unbalanced and contains too many carbs. Toddlers can contract thrush. While not a contagious disease, it can be painful and make your toddler feel ill. Treating your toddler is easy to do, whether you wish to do so with oral or topical medication.

Things You'll Need

  • Gentian violet
  • Vinegar
  • Grapefruit seed extract
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      Treat the thrush topically. If your toddler is still breastfeeding, you can swab your breast with gentian violet. Wash your breast with a one to four solution of vinegar to water. Oral anti-fungal solutions can be swabbed into the mouths of toddlers.

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      Eat yogurt, especially yogurt with high concentrations of acidophilus. Acidophilus is a beneficial bacteria that will keep the yeast in check.

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      Cut out or reduce carbs. Many times reducing the number of carbs in the diet can reduce the number of yeast cells in the body, which will help treat thrush.

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      Boost the immune system. Make sure you toddler is getting plenty of vitamin C and other vitamins and minerals that will help her body's natural defenses fight off the yeast.

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      Take medication. There are oral antifungal medications that are available that will rid your toddler of thrush. There are also natural remedies such as grapefruit seed extract and lecithin that can treat thrush.

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