How to Naturally Cure Bacterial Vaginosis When Pregnant
Things You'll Need
- Yogurt with acidophilus
- Pure cranberry juice
- Tea bags
- Lactobacillus supplements
- Sterile gauze pads
- Ice water
- Vitamin supplements
Eat 8 ounces of plain yogurt daily. Yogurt helps control bacteria in the body, including the vagina. Make sure your yogurt contains "acidophilus" or "live cultures" in order to be effective. Avoid yogurts high in added sugars, as sugar can aggravate yeast growth.
Drink pure cranberry juice often throughout the day. Fresh cranberries have antibiotic properties and help fight infection. Look for 100% cranberry juice with no added sugar.
Steep a tea bag in hot water for five minutes. Then place it in the freezer to quickly cool off. When it is cold, place it on the external genitals to relieve the itching associated with bacterial vaginosis.
Take a lactobacillus supplement daily. Lactobacillus is good bacteria that helps regulate the bad bacteria within our bodies. These supplements are available in most pharmacies, drug and department stores.
Soak sterile gauze pads in ice water. Wring the pads out and place them on the outer genital region. This will relieve pain, itching and discomfort that comes with bacterial vaginosis.
Take your prenatal vitamins and eat healthy foods to keep your body's vitamins and minerals in line. Avoid foods that are high in sugar, such as processed foods and alcohol, as these can trigger an outbreak or a bacterial vaginosis infection.
Avoid tight undergarments and wash all undergarments thoroughly in hot water. Looser undergarments will help prevent the infection from starting. And, making sure your underclothes are free from bacteria will prevent it from spreading.