Natural Supplements for Joint Pain
Glucosamine Sulfate
One of the more common and beneficial natural supplements for joint pain is a substance called glucosamine sulfate. Glucosamine is an important component of glycoaminoglycans, a compound that aids in maintaining the proper level of moisture within the cartilage of the body. When the cartilage loses this moisture, there is the potential for joint destruction as well as a change in the structure of the cartilage, losing elasticity, and the ability to absorb impact (in walking, running and other activities). If glucosamine is taken as a supplement, it can strengthen the cartilage and help retain its natural fluid.
Chondroitin Sulfate
Another fairly common and favorable supplement for joint pain is chondroitin sulfate. According to the Mayo Clinic, this substance is usually used in conjunction with glucosamine. The two together have been known to lessen the intensity of pain involving joints, as well as prevent any further deterioration of this same tissue. It's frequently used as an adjunct treatment for osteoarthritis because it can reduce the pain common with this condition, improve mobility and diminish an inflammation a sufferer may have.
Hyaluronic Acid
Hyaluronic acid is another natural supplement that is said to help lessen joint pain. This is largely due to the fact that hyaluronic acid is another compound naturally found within the body that essentially keeps the joints (as well as cartilage) lubricated. When someone begins to lose or produce less hyaluronic acid, his joints actually stiffen. This makes it difficult to get around and sometimes painful. Using a hyaluronic acid supplement can change this, though studies are still very limited on its efficacy.
Another naturally occurring compound in the body that's now available as a supplement for joint pain is s-adenosylmethionine, or SAMe. According to the Mayo Clinic, this substance is to act as a pain reliever and anti-inflammatory, though it would mainly be used for a person with osteoarthritis. It also aids in building and strengthening joints by improving the amount of collagen within the cartilage.
Vitamin D
It is believed than vitamin D may also help in combating joint pain when taken as a daily supplement. While not an actual analgesic, it has shown some benefit in lessening (or stopping) the deterioration of cartilage in the joints. When this deterioration happens, it will inevitably cause pain. By stopping this deterioration, the intensity of the pain will not increase, and may well cease. Vitamin D alone is not recommended to treat joint pain and should be used in conjunction with other treatments.