How to Get Rid of Varicose Veins Without Surgery
Things You'll Need
- Pillows or footstool Compression socks or pantyhose
Lose some weight, under the supervision of your doctor, if you are overweight. The more weight you are carrying around, the more pressure you put on the veins in your legs.
Improve the circulation in your legs. This can be done by daily exercise--even just getting up to walk around your office every half hour or so can be beneficial. Try not to cross your legs when you sit to keep pressure off of your varicose veins.
Prop your legs up when you can, either on several pillows or on a footstool. The elevation is both a treatment and a preventative measure for varicose veins.
Wear compression socks or pantyhose to get rid of your varicose veins without resorting to surgical procedures. The firmness of the stockings compress your enlarged veins and helps increase the blood flow to your lower extremities. Many drugstores carry compression products in varying strengths.
Ask your doctor to perform sclerotherapy on your varicose veins. This procedure is a minimally invasive procedure in which medication is injected into the problem veins, making them close. Sclerotherapy can be done right in your doctor's office.