How to Get Rid of Nail Fungus
Consult your physician about prescribing an oral antifungal medication, such as yerbinafine, fluconazole or itraconazole. There may be side effects, and they may not be recommended for those with congestive heart failure or liver disease.
Consult your physician about prescribing an antifungal lacquer for mild infections. This is painted onto the area daily.
Consult your physician about using over-the-counter topical antifungal medications. This may not cure the infection, but your doctor may decide to use it in conjunction with oral prescriptions.
Consider using a home remedy of vinegar. Soak the feet for about 15 minutes in a solution that is two parts warm water to one part white vinegar. According to the Mayo Clinic, there is no proof it will cure the infection, yet there is an indication it may inhibit the growth of some bacteria (see Resources below).