Nail Fungus Cures
Oral Medications
Your doctor may prescribe an anti-fungal medication for you to take orally to cure your nail fungus infection. Lamisil and Diflucan are commonly used for this purpose.
Topical anti-fungal creams may be used along with an oral medication to heal your infection. Creams alone do not tend to provide a cure to nail fungus.
Using an ant-fungal nail lacquer may help heal your nail fungus, according to experts at the Mayo Clinic. Marketed under the name Penlac, this medical nail polish may be used on a long-term basis.
If your infection is not cleared by medications alone, your doctor may remove the damaged nail. Removal allows a healthy nail to grow in its place, though the process may take up to a year.
Prevent recurrences of nail fungus by keeping your hands and feet dry. Cut your nails short with clean cuticles, giving germs no way into your nails. Wash your hands frequently to reduce the chance of infection.