Health Risks of Drinking Alcohol
People who have abused alcohol over a long period of time may be at risk for developing cardiomyopathy. This is a condition in which drinking alcohol makes the muscular tissue of the heart weaker which ends up causing heart failure. In this case, excessive alcohol consumption can cause permanent damage to the body.
Liver Damage
Excessive alcohol consumption is well known for causing permanent damage to the liver. Chronic alcohol abusers often cause serious damage to their livers. Heavy alcohol consumption can ruin the liver cells, which causes the disease alcoholic hepatitis. In another similar disease, liver cirrhosis comes about as a result of drinking alcohol. The liver becomes scarred and destroyed as a result of chronic drinking.
Blood Vessels
Alcohol has vasodilator capabilities, which can cause the blood vessels in the skin to widen due to the heavy intake of the substance. This causes alcohol drinkers' skin to appear flushed and reddened. Alcohol abuse over time makes it so that the blood vessels are not able to shrink back down to their normal, original sizes. That is why many alcohol abusers permanently have a rosy and flushed complexion.
Brain Effects
Alcohol has health risks regarding the brain as well. Alcohol can affect the nervous system and brain by slowing down a person's reactions, making them feel relaxed, laid back and calm. This is a dulling effect on the brain, which can be extremely dangerous when an alcohol user needs to have quick reactions, like when they are driving or operating heavy machinery. Alcohol is capable of lowering a person's inhibitions, and making them react in a more aggressive manner. It is also risky as it can cause a person to lose control of their judgment and even their coordination.
Peptic Ulcer Disease
Another extremely damaging health risk of drinking too much alcohol is the possibility of developing the condition called peptic ulcer cancer. In peptic ulcer cancer, alcohol negatively effects the stomach lining by bothering it. Extended consumption of alcohol when it is constantly irritating the stomach lining can result in stomach issues like peptic ulcers.