How to Take Care of Skin While on Kidney Dialysis
Apply lotion frequently. Itching is often caused by dry skin, so keeping your skin hydrated will help to prevent scratching and causing damage. Find a lotion that doesn't have alcohol or unnecessary perfumes in it as this will only irritate the skin more and keep applying it throughout the day as needed.
Start a renal diet. Your doctor should be able to give you information on how to do this. The purpose of this is to control the amount of phosphorous in your body. Try to maintain a phosphorous level below 5.5.
Try antihistamines for allergy-related itching such as Benadryl, Atarax and Vistaril.
Take shorter showers or oatmeal baths. Be sure to avoid soaps with harsh chemicals and perfumes.
Protect your skin from the sun by using a sunblock with an sun protection factor of 15 or higher if you're going to be outside for awhile.