How to Know If You Have Appendicitis
Remember back to when you first noticed any symptoms. If you can remember stomach pain, but the pain not being centralized in any location, this is common in early appendicitis conditions. The pain starts generally all over the stomach and eventually centralizes to a position on your lower right abdomen.
Typically, appendicitis is associated with a fever and vomiting, although these are not necessary. When I had appendicitis, I had no fever and no vomiting, only pain in my lower right abdomen. The pain wasn't constant, but if you press halfway between the hip bone and belly button on a suspected appendicitis patient and they feel pain when you release, that is very indicative of appendicitis.
The reason they feel pain when you release, and generally not when you press down, is because the perineum is snapping back into place after being pushed aside by your pressing down. The snapping back into place and causing pain sign is a pretty sure sign of appendicitis, so go visit a doctor.