Causes of Short-term Memory Loss
Sad senior woman It has been in debate for some time in the medical community whether or not memory loss stems from old age or from the various other health complications that old age incurs. No one really knows for certain. The most common known reasons for short-term memory loss are Alzheimer's disease, depression and anxiety, low blood sugar, alcohol and drug abuse, injury, and estrogen swings during menopause.
Pregnant woman There are two types of memory loss--short term and long term. Short-term is the most common. Women during pregnancy sometimes experience bouts of forgetfulness, or short-term memory loss, but like all short-term memory loss, it will return once the baby is born. Short-term memory loss is usually a temporary condition.
Sad senior woman The loss of short-term memory whether it is temporary or permanent can severely impair the ability to learn new information. It also can cause serious problems in the ability to function in society day to day. Short-term memory loss is often the first indication of the onset of Alzheimer's disease and should be checked out immediately once the problem is noticed.
Senior talking with doctor While there is no known blanket cure for short-term memory loss, there are ways to treat the cause if it is known and ways to prevent it if possible. It is imperative to notify your doctor as soon symptoms occur such as forgetfulness, ringing in the ears and ear aches. Short-term memory loss could be an indication of other problems that should be immediately addressed. Ideas for strengthening one's memory for prevention of short-term memory loss include the use of repetition, getting a good night's sleep, and keeping your mind busy.
Senior man taking medication ABT-431 is an experimental drug currently being tested for effectiveness in fighting not only memory loss, but Parkinson's disease as well. With further research it may have a chance to make it to the market within the next few years, but at this point, it has yet to be tested on humans. If ABT-431 can prove to stimulate D-1 receptors like it is hoped, it won't be long before a cure for short-term memory loss is available.