About Leg Swelling
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Because edema can be caused from things as simple as hot weather or eating to much salty food, it is generally not necessary to seek the care of a physician if leg swelling is not accompanied by any other symptoms and goes away within 24 hours. A doctor should be consulted in instances in which edema that is reoccurring, lasts longer than 24 hours or is accompanied by additional symptoms.
There are many causes for swollen legs including menstruation (in women), spending extended periods of time on your feet, long car and airplane rides, old age, certain medications (such as anti-depressants, hormonal replacement therapy and medication to lower blood pressure), obesity and pregnancy. Identifying the reason why you are suffering from this condition is the key to treating it properly.
Keep in mind that painless swelling in the ankles and the feet is a common occurrence in older people. It is a sign of aging and may affect the thighs and calf area.
The way to prevent or treat edema will depend on the actual cause. For instance, those suffering from swollen legs due to expended time spent in a car or on a plane may find relief through simply stretching their legs. However, those who are obese may need to lose significant amounts of weight before their discomfort disappears. Wearing support stockings, reducing salt intake and lying down with your feet elevated above your heart are also some home treatment methods that can be tried.
As mentioned above, swollen legs can also be a symptom of more serious problems such as kidney, heart, or liver failure, a blood clot, leg infection, varicose veins, sunburn, insect bites and malnutrition.
If you experience shortness of breath or leg swelling is accompanies by chest pain, it is imperative that you call 911 immediately.
If you are pregnant and the swelling is sudden to markedly increased, if you have a history of liver disease, if the swelling is red and warm to the touch, if you experience difficulty in urination or if the swelling is accompanied by a fever, you should make an appointment with your health care provider as soon as possible.