How to Get Relief From Dry Eyes
Things You'll Need
- Drinking water
- Water in the air source like a humidifier or fountain.
- Warm wet washcloth
- Teabags
- Artificial tears
- Eye mask
- fish oil omega 3
To get some relief from dry eyes, the doctor may recommend you add fish to your diet which are rich in omega 3 fats, or take omega 3 supplements. Two recommended fish are salmon and cod. Crab meat is good also.
Refrain from rubbing your eyes as it irritates them and makes your condition worse. To help spread the moisture you do have in your eyes, you can blink purposely and quickly.
In your home you might try a humidifier. I have found a fountain in the living room was nice to look at and keeps moisture in the air.
Drinking alcoholic beverages has a tendency to dehydrate your body. It is important to drink extra water with an alcoholic beverage to lessen the effects. If you love to drink then learn to love water also.
If you need instant relief from aching eyes, try wetting a washcloth with warm, not hot, water and place it over your eyes and nose and breath in the moisture as it also will penetrate the eyelids. Change it to another warm one when it cools.
Many adults also use tea bags placed in warm water, squeezed fairly dry and lay down with them over the eyes.
If you are traveling, carry over the counter eyedrops labeled "artificial tears".
If eye dryness persists, there is a drug on the market which helps. Talk with your doctor about prescription medication such as eyedrops or other drugs used to control dry eye syndrome.