What is a Hernia?
There are different types of hernia that occur on different parts of the body. It is possible for a person to have two types of hernia at the same time in the groin area. Inguinal hernia occurs in the groin and is the most common type. Ventral hernia is a type of hernia that occurs just above the navel area and does not hurt as much as the others. Umbilical hernia occurs within the navel. Some people have hiatus hernia where the stomach protrudes into the thorax.
Hernias are usually visible and form as a lump around the abdomen or groin area. A dull pain usually accompanies the lump, which worsens when the person is active or coughs. The lump or bulge grows bigger gradually and becomes tender. It can be quite uncomfortable and become more complicated if the trapped tissues are cut off from the blood supply, damaging them. Hiatus hernia can cause heartburn and indigestion.
Since hernias are usually visible, the doctor will probably be able to diagnose it right away, unless some underlying health problems exist that need further medical investigation. A physical examination is done when symptoms of hernia are present and there is pain in the groin or abdominal area, even without a visible lump. The doctor can exert pressure, or ask the patient to cough, so that the hernia can be seen.
Some other conditions may appear similar to a hernia, so you should not attempt to self-diagnose this problem. A dull ache in the abdomen may because by a urinary tract infection or a kidney stone. Lumps in the abdomen can be a result of colon or prostate cancer. Although a hernia is not usually dangerous, conditions that have similar symptoms can be.
Once diagnosis is complete, you may require surgery to repair the hernia or treat complications. Surgery is the most effective way to treat a hernia. Hernias cannot be cured with medication or exercise. Wearing a truss or hernia belt sometimes relieves the pain to some extent, and may help prevent the hernia from bulging out, but does not get rid of the hernia. Luckily, hernia surgery is not usually an emergency operation and can be planned well in advance.