About Diarrhea
The significance is directly related to the cause and severity of the diarrhea. Occasional diarrhea caused by dietary intake will have little significance except for the inconvenience of being close to the bathroom. However, persistent or prolonged diarrhea caused by an unsanitary diet or medical conditions may have a grave significance on health and survival if not medically treated. Diarrhea will cause a loss of vital fluids and chemicals from the body that is critical to life.
There are basically four types of diarrhea. These types are related to the cause or underlying conditions. Secretory diarrhea is caused by an increased secretion of fluids by the bowel or a decrease of absorption of fluids by the bowel. Osmotic diarrhea occurs when the body releases too much water and fluid into the bowel. Motility-related diarrhea is caused by the overactivity of the bowels which moves the food through the digestive system too fast to allow the breakdown and absorption of nutrients. Inflammatory diarrhea is caused by the inflammation of the bowel lining due to disease, infection or toxin. The inflammation decreases the ability of the bowel to absorb fluids.
The effects of diarrhea on the body can be detrimental to health and viability of a person. The effect of diarrhea, without consideration of the underlying cause, creates a loss of fluids, salts and electrolyte chemicals from the body. Without replacement of these fluids, dehydration can occur and the person will become ill and may die. People with diarrhea need to be aware of these effects and begin taking measures immediately to replace fluids and salts. Diarrhea will also have an effect of soreness around the anus from irritation and constant wiping.
The first thing to consider is the cause of the diarrhea. Consider the diet intake before the diarrhea began. Was it different or unusual? Consider other health related symptoms such as cramping, pain or bloody stools that will require further medical work-up and treatments. Consider how long it has been since the diarrhea started and whether the fluids are being adequately replaced by oral intake. Lastly consider whether medical care is required or the diarrhea is transient and will resolve itself.
Most diarrhea can be prevented by healthy lifestyles and healthy diet . Good bowel health requires a well balanced diet with nutrients and fiber. Avoid unsanitary conditions. Taking prophylactic antibiotic when traveling to distant lands without proper sanitary conditions may prevent diarrhea.
The solution to diarrhea depends on the underlying cause. Simple transient diarrhea due to isolated bad diet will usually resolve on its own or with the help of over-the-counter medicines. Other more severe diarrhea requires medical treatment such as antibiotics, fluid replacements or anti-inflammatory medicines.
The warning signs of serious diarrhea that requires medical advice include the presence of blood in the stool, failure of the ability to replace vital fluids and prolonged bouts of diarrhea. People with any or all of these warning signs should seek medical advice. The older, more frail and ill people should seek medical care as soon as the diarrhea starts.